
The Return

Ruben Studdard's latest album. I like it. He was on the TJMS this morn and Tom played snippets of each track. it's not like the first one which was obviously rushed. Ruben explained that American Idol is a beast after the season is over. He had to go on a 55 city tour and was demanded to spit out an LP for the fans of the Velvet Teddybear. I didn't hear the first one but the tracks they released for the airwaves, I was not impressed and borderline pissed.

So they call it The Return and he says its his return to mainstream music. Did you know in between his first LP and The Return, he had a #1 Gospel album? Being from Birmingham, he had to do something for the people he came from. Whatever the case, Ruben's latest is something I think I want...and I usually don't buy into popular music. His voice has matured into a smoother version of what he was before and if you like &/or miss Luther, get this CD. He sounds JUST like him!!!! Of course, he has a Luther track on there; probably my FAVORITE Luther song, If Only for One Night. I kinda get upset when these new Thundercats come and sometimes mess up my classics. So not the case. He DID this song and he did it RIGHT!

The opening track, 'The Return (of the Velvet Teddy Bear)' made my ears perk up and actually listen. I actually said, "uh-oh! let me find out about Ruben!"

Change Me, I don't like too much. It reminds me of that horrible '2004' song. This time, he's whining about something and just lists things in a melodic nature. No thanks.

Make Ya Feel Beautiful is presh as is Our Story. I really like Our Story and Rube said it's one of his favorites on this LP.

The two 'party' tracks on here (Get U Loose and What the Business Is) are reminiscent of Musiq Solchild's Just Listen. Remember in Fall 2000 when that song would come on and everybody just gets a good feeling as they two step with a total stranger? That is the ideal houseparty song! But back to Ruben. Those tracks also remind me of Frankie Beverly and Maze's 'Before I Let You Go' as well. Grab a partner and step!

Now Ruben is a love song artist. His last album's lyrical content drove me up the wall. Although I couldn't hear entire songs, I wasn't turned off by what I heard.

I don't remember the names or characteristics of the other tracks, I was honestly taken by the Luther track and couldn't believe how much like him he sounded. Plus, his personality is amazing. He's amiable and grateful. Love it!


  1. but....but. but.....he was on AMERICAN IDOL!


  2. i'm wit ace. i ont know abt it. and it ain't on aol music for me to test it out and you know how i am abt that! kinda scared. i half heard him on the today show this am. ehhh. hard for me to get past idol and sorry for 2004. i haven't liked any of his songs. i don't think i really even like his voice. you know i'm not a big luther fan.... (ducks shots)

  3. not a fan of lutha! i love superstar. but i digress... i dont like his single, but i liked his angel song, from the gospel album... a paradox.

  4. I know, I know. Can we look at American Idol as a means to a begining guys? I don't watch that show. I don't even watch MTV and I can't condone mass hysteria in ref to music but for what it is (an american idol who's really not bad) its good. You won't see me pluggin nn Carrie Underwood...

    I like Luther. Don't love him but definitely don't change the station when he comes on. Here it is: i like old luther. that new stuff (excuse me miss on down) isn't my bag. No shots firing LOL

  5. So. you like the fat luther. thats acceptable.

    American Idol. NOT acceptable!!



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