
3 Blind Moose- Wine Review

I am not a huge wine drinker, and as of lately I'm not a huge drinker period. I'm sure some of you are shocked by that statement, being that I was the resident bartender in college. I was official, license and all. Now I stay pretty basic with my vodka tonic with a splash of lime. Moving on. So as I told you already, I made a chicken saltimbocca with a pasta and scampi sauce. My scampi calls for white wine. I usually don't ever have to make a purchase since my father usually has a stash somewhere. Negative. So I ran to the liquor store on my lunch break. This place had hella wine. How do you know what to look for when your buying wine??? Initially I was thinking, go for the cheap stuff since I don't drink it. But all the great cooks say, only use a good quality wine that you would drink. Blah blah blah. I went for the wine with the cute label and the funny name. There was so many to choose from, but I went with 3 Blind Moose, 2004 California Chardonnay. Well that shit was bangin, and it was only $8.47. Daddy loved it too. That may be my wine of choice now. Next time I'll try the Pinot Grigio.


  1. Its pretty rare that'll drink white wine regardless of the meal. but if i do, it *has* to be good white wine. I notice a bigger difference in quality price point wise with whites than with reds.

    I think there are better quality cheap reds for lets say under $15. Genreally, all tho this is kinda geeky, I keep and eye on climate and region. For instance: i know that in 2002- Napa vally had awsome weather for the Cabernet grape. So, you could grab a bottle of 2002 cabernet from any napa valley winery and do pretty well. even in the $8 range.

    gay, i know.


  2. let me find out ace is a wine connoseiur!!!! LMAO!!! OMG, we done opened the floodgates in wine country! down to the years and everything!

    i must step my wine game up. i'm getting to be a big girl now and mixed drinks aren't that appropo at dinner...

  3. ooooooooooh. now i'm totally gonna try 3 blind moose even tho daddy likes reds. i like whites. wish i'd read this before i got home, i would've gone before i got back.

    and ahem... get it ace! :D love it.

  4. I feel the sarcasm there Stace.....

    Like ten years ago i was on a really cushy tour. (i had to.....ahem...bleach my hair blond for this particular gig.) We had some time off in Cali, and i was getting this awesome stipend and decided to visit wine country. Napa and Sonoma. My experience up to that point had sadly only consisted of Mad Dog 20/20. If you dont know what that is...your lucky!!

    So i took a few day and hit some vineyards. There is nothing like sitting in a bar in a vineyard and being educated about wine and grapes by hot women (they are *all* hot) feeding you different glasses of wine. Did you see that movie.. i think its "sideways"?...its a totally accurate depiction. At least as far as my experience went...

  5. this socialite drinks martinis. peach martinis, chocolate martinis, mint choc, white choc, apple, coffee, pink lemonade...

  6. stace... that's nasty. find another drink... tho i probably shouldn't talk since i'm like that w/margaritas but i just like tequila.


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