
Turkey Bacon

It's so unfulfilling there really is no point. It's also ugly and doesn't lose that hideous shape. Neither does it get crispy enough. I can get with turkey burgers. Those joints are bangin. If made properly they taste just as good as beef if not better. Turkey sausage is very ehhh. I actually had some delicious vegetarian sausage when I went to south Florida. Turkey bacon? No and absolutely not.


  1. I'm not a fan of turkey bacon either.

  2. you have to get a good crispy kind of turkey bacon

    i like my bacon crispy

    my ex was a muslim so we couldn't eat regular bacon (i'm so glad i'm not with her lol)

    i loooooove turkey burgers

    they are alot easier to get down then beef ones

  3. hc... yeah gross!!

    tub... clearly you need to get up off what the good kind is b/c i need to know!! lol. glad you got away from that! turkey burgers are the bomb, tho. i'm sure i have a fab recipe on here somewhere!


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