
30 for 30 Remix: 10 aka Fake it til you make it

Or not...  I was in a really bad mood when I took these pictures.  I knew I had a ton of stuff to do and I didn't want to do any of it.  Such a mess!!  And trust me, there are WAY worse pictures!

Jacket: Express
Sweater: Express
Pants: Express
Shoes: Nine West
Scarves: Gap & Nordstrom

I promise I shop other places!  Lol.  I just happen to be a former employee and know what works on me there.  Plus I love a good sale.  They are straying into a cheap fabric, expensive clothes period right now and I'm so not okay with that.


  1. As a life-long retail employee, my wardrobe/accessories have always reflected wherever I happened to be working @ that stage in my life. If you're going to spend hours in one place, you might as well have something other than a paycheck to show for it LOL. I really like this 'fit the cut looks great on you.

  2. git it girl!! :) You look great in this outfit. And hey, if you find clothes that work for you and they happen to come from the some of the same places repeatedly, go with it!

  3. dani... someone who gets it! lol. Thanks!

    j... yay! thanks!

    gp... :)


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