
30 for 30 Remix: 7 & 8

What?  That title's not clever enough for you?  Ah well.  Bet you'll still look at the pictures!  I wore two outfits on Saturday.  THE KID'S ON A ROLL!!!  The first for errands, the second to go to dinner.  The first, I dig and LOVE the location!  The second... wow... SO not my style.  And I kind of hate it.  I had this AWESOME outfit... then I remembered I couldn't wear the sweater because it's not in my 30.  Kick me in the face, please.  I might have to stop trying to make this dress happen.  One more chance after this... (never kick a good dress when it's down)

 Oh dear second outfit.  Here you come ruining this post...

Ya win some, ya lose some... and then you end the remix. LOL


  1. Love, love, love you in the leaves..cute!

  2. OOOH, location is FAB!

    LOVE the first outfit!

    the dress isn't too bad, just gotta find a way to work it.

  3. I know it isn't bad! I bought it!!! It's such a work in progress to make that thing work! IT WILL HAPPEN THIS WEEK!! And so it is written, so shall it be done. Lol


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