

I know some of you want me to stop talking about fashion already!  But!  I'm so excited that Elaine over at Clothed Much posted me and a host of other crazies who broke our fashion rules in the last week!  I love her blog because even though she dresses modestly and lets you know she repeats her clothes... in the same week... and it's really not a problem because she looks great!  Love that.  She's one of the fashion bloggers I stan for when it comes to inspiration!
Can you find me in the line-up??????  LOL.  I look like the cockiest fashion blogger in the whole world.  No one sent me to fashion blogger school!  They didn't tell me I'm supposed to look disinterested!  Okay I lied.  They told me.  I refused.  I'm interested in this outfit because I like it.  There.  I said it again.  I LIKE IT!  I LOVE IT!  I WANT SOME MORE OF IT!  UNH!  (I played softball as a child...)


  1. That was a fun feature - I'm glad you sent yours in.

    The Auspicious Life

  2. Congrats! It's cool to get a shout out from another blogger so I'm excited for you.

  3. That's awesome!! LoL @ your pose compared to the others. Disinterested? Not quite. At all. LoL!!


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