

I decided to steal this dress from the BCBG outlet.  Originally $129, now $29?  Don't mind if I do!  By steal I mean buy to wear.  LOL.  While I spur all my 30x30ers on, I couldn't do it.  I'm still not fully recovered from the first and it's just not for me.  I want to do some of the Everybody Everywear challenges but I keep hating what I do with the chosen item the day I use it!  LOL.  Such a failure.  This is from my first day teaching this semester.  I was also on the hunt for a white watch.  I hated how ceramic looked on my wrist so I knew I wanted rubber.  Without all that foolish fake diamondness.  Or to use Rashan's favorite word: bling.

 Now you should throw your hair on top of your head.  LOLOL! Not at all awkward.
 Now pout.
Dress: Max & Cleo
Blazer: Express
Tights: Target
Watch: Target
Pumps: Nine West
Boots: Marc by Marc Jacobs


  1. Such a great dress, I love all the ruffles! I'm doing the 30x30 this season and I am already feeling exhausted. I can totally see how you feel that way!

  2. k/p... thanks! i'm a nut for ruffles! you might get a second wind! i did... for about a day... lol.

  3. Very cute! Your poses crack me up! LOL!

  4. I hate that you have hated your EBEW outfits! I hope that the next time (whatever it is) will be easier for you!

    The Auspicious Life

  5. Gp... thanks! The poses make me laugh, too!

    Linda... I know! I hope whatever it is is easier for me, too!


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