
My Own Remix

I got this purple Calvin Klein dress from Off Saks 5th Ave for a GREAT price.  I love the color so I had to force myself not to wear it.  Instead of making it total torture and denying myself, I decided to remix this is several ways!  And I must say... I love every one!

In the first set, I was shooting for my film at church that day so I forgot to take pics of my outfit!  They (my family) didn't know what I was trying to do so they didn't tell me my hat was at the wrong angle.  Anyway!  Here I'm trying to highlight the necklace (Target) and the dress together.  I also bought this hat after stalking it at an antiques store!  Don't worry, you'll see it again!
In this next set, I had to teach.  Now that I'm teaching high schoolers this semester, I definitely go a bit more wild with the colors!
Scarf: gift
The necklace: I made
The jacket: Express
Tights: Target
Shoes: Nine West
The third set is a more casual take.  I wore this to eat Mexican food with Rashan.  MMMM.  I'd been wanting to do a Jameil version of the knee socks and this worked for me! 
"Headband": The belt of an express blazer
Earrings: Mom-ed
Sweater: American Eagle
Belt: My dad found it at a hotel
Tights & socks: Target
Boots: Nine West (thrifted)
This last one is my favorite!  I had a screening of my first film this day at my aunt's church. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!  I also could show you at least 5 more pics of this shoot b/c I loved them!
Hat: Etsy-ed
Blazer: Banana Republic
Pin: Express (free from some cardigans when I worked there. I cleaned out the stock room long after the cardigans were gone and found it!)
Bracelets: The Limited (sent to me for free!)
Tights: Target
Shoes: Nine West (I bought these at least 4 years ago after I stalked them until they went on sale for $20!)


  1. You better just go ahead now with that hat Sister Jameil! ::praise break:: lol

  2. Love Love Love Off Saks 5th!!

    CK dress is the hotness!

    I'm with Sha *jumps up and down* LOL! Cause that's how we get our praise on!

  3. That dress is so versatile! You look great in each styling! I think that necklace in the first set looks wonderful against that color!

    The Auspicious Life

  4. sha... lolol

    gp... i love that place, too! thanks! and dead!

    linda... thanks! j'adore that necklace! I'm ALWAYS looking for an excuse to rock it!


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