
A New Kind of Grown

Grey and brown that is... Get it? Grey plus brown... grown... si?  Anyway you don't have to like it!  I did it!  It's been a while since I posted more than one outfit in a one-week period so THE WAIT IS OVER!!  I've become a bit obsessed with the combo of this polka-dotted scarf and the mohair sweater my dad brought my mom back from Taiwan decades ago.  I don't think I've ever worn grey and brown together excuse me, I've never been so grown.  LOLOL  I like it!  And... I'm a model, idiot.

Scarf: Etsy-ed
Pearl Necklace: Claire's (forever ago)
Copper necklace: I Made This! (Just switched out the ribbon)
Sweater: Target
Cardigan: Mom-ed
Silk belt: Gap (lo these many years ago)
Cords: J. Crew ($15!)
Boots: Nine West


  1. So we're talkin' more gr-ou-n (pronounced like noun). That is much different from grown. Your outfit is groun. The grey and brown work well.

  2. That's how you pronounce it but you can't spell it like that! Thanks!

  3. LOVE the polka dot scarf! It looks wonderful in your hair like that!

    The Auspicious Life

  4. Me likey!

    You are workin that hair!! I really like the scarf and the brown sweater. The combo is fierce!

    I started doing the gray and brown thing since last fall. I wore a gray sweater dress with some brown boots and the look was really cute!

  5. Linda... thanks!

    gp... merci! it amuses me so much to work the hair! lolol i mean... if you did it last fall, show your work! you're in 9th grade math all over again! hope you wrote in pencil!!!


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